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HaPpY bIrThDaY tEmPeRaNcE

Happy Brithday to the newest Mother in IPX.


Robag's picture

Happy Bitrhday Temperance

you yummy mummy you.

P.S b00ld ows you a foot rub for you birthday


Microman's picture

Happy Birthday!

Hope you had a great day, Temperance!

Also, it should be a back massage..!

Happy Birthda Temperance

Yea you will get the massages lol

Fuzz's picture

Happy Bday Temperance

Hope you had a great relaxing day

Happy Birthday...

I say get him to do a full body massage :)

n0mad's picture


Happy Birthday Temperance

I h0pe the little 1 is sleeping well and U guys are getting sum f0rm 0f sleep…


Hashy's picture

f0r yesterday

Happy Birthday Temperance =)

Sha8doW's picture


just wait for the

“Happy…. whens my birthday mum?”

happy birthday

Thanks heaps guys

Had a lovely day! even though Spencer decided he wanted me to utilize all 24 hours of it! , by deciding to play up all day, buts that alright :) All part of it and it was a great day regardless. Thanks heaps :D

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